
Companioning is a service that touches my heart deeply and is so meaningful to me. So often, when one receives a terminal diagnosis, enters into old age, loses the ability to independently care for themselves, they get lost in an already strained system and sometimes become seen as their illness. Additionally, the ability for families to personally provide consistent care for their loved ones can be extremely challenging, as they have many responsibilities such as jobs, homes to care for and bills to pay, children, they may be separated by distance etc. Furthermore, with the added constraints of Covid-19, having multiple visitors has become less feasible. Now more than ever, companioning is essential. It helps to ease the stress on health and care teams, relieves the family of anxieties and worry, and provides a person-to-person connection, which is a basic human need. I am passionate about connecting with people and seeing them as they truly are, to opening my heart and being fully present with another human being in authenticity. Companioning is so simple and yet incredibly profound, for it lifts the human spirit and opens our hearts – It unites us, and that is one of the greatest gifts of the human experience.